The conference is unfortunately canceled
There will be no Fronteers Conference this year.
With a very heavy heart, we have to inform you that we aren't able to hold our 14th conference.
Despite a big marketing push in the last few weeks, we didn't manage to sell enough tickets to make it possible for us to hold this year's conference. The financial risk would have been too big.
For everyone who did buy a ticket: thank you so much for your support! We are very sorry that we can't keep our side of the deal. You will be refunded as soon as possible.
What this means for the future of the Fronteers Conference we don't know. If something changes we will definitely let you know.
Your conference committee:
- Jad Joubran
- Jewwy Qadri
- Thijs Reijgersberg
- Niels Leenheer
- Christian Schaefer
Hidde de Vries - ARIA, the good parts
The first rule of ARIA suggests it is better avoided if there is an HTML equivalent. Yet sometimes, the right use of ARIA can improve your UI better for end users. In this talk, we’ll look at practical examples of effective ARIA usage and how they work in assistive technologies. Find out more about the patterns that have broad support and which ones to avoid. Let’s look at ARIA, the good parts!
Hidde de Vries ( is a web enthusiast, accessibility specialist and conference speaker from Rotterdam (The Netherlands). He currently works with the NL Design System team and is a participant in the Open UI Community Group. Previously, he worked for W3C (WAI), Mozilla, the Dutch government and others as a freelancer.